By Julia and Lisa Degiorgio
Julia and Lisa put together a great piece of work! They went over our 2015 Leaflet of Hints and Tips and updated it further with more hints and tips …… and…. a new great art work! This was done during workshops they held at Villa Frere, Pieta in September 2021 when a representation from the Italian Team from Dis…Correre, Davide and Roberta, were visiting us for the second Transnational Project Meeting M2.
This is the result of their work! Scroll down to find these hints and tips collected in one very attractive document that you can share at youth centers, school and everywhere! Spread the word about supporting someone with dyslexia!
Suggestions and Tips for Yourself, Your Friends, Parents and Professionals!


- Reading aloud can help learn faster.
- Get help for writing down notes.
- Keep an open mind as regards career choice; do not put yourself undue pressure. Make the choice yourself.
- In cases of ‘bullying’ get help to deal with the bully, do not confront yourself.
- With some effort anybody can reach the same standard as the others. Help them make the effort.
- Take it step by step (finish one goal at a time).
- Study what you like (you will more likely do better at school) as it will guide you for your future career (not everything has to be planned).
- Keep up to date with what you know and do not know.
- Take time to discover your strengths and weaknesses to understand yourself better.
- If you feel frustrated or you cannot accept your situation, ask for help and support.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help when you do not understand something.
- Take time to look back and see how far you have come and what you have achieved so far.
- Do not allow yourself to let people judge you based on your weakness. Stand up for yourself and do not give up.
- Take time for self-discovery, even if this needs to be done alone.
- Help yourself by learning how to design and use mind maps for shortening notes, or graphic organizers (designs) that will help you understand a topic with keywords.
- Learn about study tools and methods so you can study more efficiently.
- Keep in mind that you are not your school marks.
- Time management is a key tool to use to balance school work and leisure. Get help from friends and parents.
- Friends can be study buddies.
- Study difficult subjects and topics with a friend.
- Friends can give positive reinforcement.
- Make friends with other students with dyslexia so you can learn from their experiences and ways of working.
- Seek advice from friends or other students who have done the course before you.
- Build networks of support that include everyone!

- Practice listening, understanding and empathy.
- Allow your child to state their opinions.
- Be aware of the facts about dyslexia and keep up-to-date with information and research.
- Comfort your child when they’re feeling low for any reason.
- Help by reading aloud.
- Help in writing down notes together.
- Be a study buddy.
- Establish a good relationship with the teachers at school and with other professionals who can help.
- Give positive reinforcement.
- Encourage and support your child at all times.
- Learn about study methods and work together with your child to teach them how to study and work using different tools.
- Boost the children’s self-esteem and help them accept that they are dyslexic.
- Do not be negative in your approach. Find out what they like and focus on the positive.
- Do not keep telling your child “Not to give up”.
- In cases of ‘bullying’, empower your child to deal with the bully, do not confront yourself.
- Do not compare to other siblings or other students; it’s not encouraging.
- Point out to the child that dyslexia is not a disease but it is something special about the child. Take time to explain what dyslexia means.
- Talk to the experts of dyslexia.
- Help your child cope with their work but do not do it for them.
- Have the IQ measured so that they do not see themselves as stupid.
- Encourage them to do practice other skills and discover other abilities.
- Challenge and stimulate your child so that they will not give up.
- With some effort all children can reach the same standard as the others. Help them make the effort.
- Parents should encourage but not force.
- Give financial support when necessary.
- Give quality time to your child and establish a good relationship.
- Never give up on your child but do not overload.
- Let your child move at their own pace.
- You do not have to be a ‘teacher’ to support your child at school and with homework.
- Show interest and keep up to date with what is going on at school.


- Practice listening, understanding and empathy. Allow your students to state their opinions. Ask, do not assume.
- Be aware of the facts about dyslexia and keep up-to-date with information and research.
- Give help in writing down or sharing notes.
- Give positive reinforcement.
- Do not be negative in your approach. Find out what they like and focus on the positive.
- Do not compare to other siblings or other students; it’s not encouraging.
- With some effort most students can reach the same standard as the others. Help them make the effort.
- Obtain financial support when necessary.
- Allow your students to progress at their own pace.
- Schools need to organize conferences and talks to create awareness of the different profiles and difficulties.
- Schools should give students more time for homework and not to give a lot of work all at once.
- Use the principles of Universal Design for Learning and not one method for all students. We are different learners.
- Consider different methods of assessment to include all students’ abilities and learning styles.
- Design a student-friendly school programme and encourage the use of mind maps and other study tools.
- Support your students.
- Listen to and ask your students.
- Give choices, ask your students what they prefer, they are the experts in their own life. Do not take decisions for them.
Download our Leaflet of Hints and Tips here and share with everyone!