Welcome to our Learning, Teaching & Training resources page! In this page you will find the resources needed to conduct a training session on study methods, learning tools and critical thinking too. All the resources contain a brief description of the good practices we exchanged between the Malta and Italy teams of our Erasmus+ Youth Initiative project.
But first ……. The Good Practices Exchanged
Are you curious to learn about each good practice we exchanged? Would you like to view each good practice in more detail? No worries! Navigate to the following pages in this website to learn more and to view the resources we created to learn and teach about the critical thinking tools and study/learning methods.
For the good practices presented by the Malta team, please use this link
For the good practices presented by the Italy team, please use this link
Keep scrolling down to view a presenation about a sample of good practices that we exchanged.

The Design of the Training Session
We have an ice breaker, 3 power point presentations and 2 versions of our video for you to watch!
Both videos contain a sample of good practices, methods and tools in learning that we exchanged throughout the timeline of our Erasmus+ youth project. with Dis…correre youth group of Molfetta, Italy.
We hope that these resources will help you to become a self-directed learner and encourage you to explore more learning tools and methods which are in this website. They are also for everyone to use to train others on study methods and tools be it educators at schools, youth workers in youth centres or students who want to learn more about their own way of learning and what study methods they could use to study faster and more efficiently.
An ice-breaker…..to introduce some fun!
We used an ice breaking game in Italy so our audience will guess the meaning of some Maltese words. It was a success! So for the Malta training opportunities we design a fun powerpoint presentation so our audience can guess the meaning of words in Molfettese. Explore this fun resource below featuring members from Dis…correre youth group, Beatrice de Candia, Daniele Binetti, Davide Paparella, Francesca Pierro and Maria Rosaria Lepore. The actual powerpoint can be downloaded using the link below so the animations, videos and sound features will work.
First a powerpoint presentation to introduce what learning to learn is….
Here is a powerpoint presentation by Maltese team member Maegan Friggieri which describes the timeline of the project, the training we did and the project outcomes. This is a good resource to explain briefly what our Erasmus+ project was all about. More resources follow…scroll down !
Here is another powerpoint presentation by Emma Manicaro showing a sample of the good practices which were exchanged between the 2 groups along the journey of our Erasmus+ youth initiative project. This gives a good idea of the work we did! Have a look through it and see what learning and study method suits you best!
Here is our training video which is available in 2 parts below.
Training video by Dyslexic Teens Dialogue and Dis…correre groups together! 🙂
Below is our second training video which was filmed to include the Maltese and Italian participants together. It is a less formal version but still includes a good sample of good practices from both country groups.
Watch to the end as we have included the Bloopers in this version! The video is based on a powerpoint presentation by Maegan Friggieri, filmed on location in Molfetta by Emma Manicaro and with videography by Lawrence Micallef. Enjoy! 🙂