In this section of our website we are going to showcase a small selection of books from our group’s collection. These are books we found useful for ideas and to research information for this website. Our collection is not exhaustive and there are more useful books and information in stores and online. We think some books below are a good start to learn more about how we learn and methods for studying!
It is worth paying a visit to the various charity shops found around Malta and Gozo or anywhere in the world! It is a good way to practice environmental sustainability and support many voluntary organizations. Lots of bargains to be found … just like we did when we bought some of the books on this page! Happy sustainable shopping!
Owning books is a good idea, however, gaining new knowledge and learning more could be “paperless” and sustainable (we love our Earth so much). Audio books, websites, on line books (you can use software for reading) and videos are other good options. Many ways and means to learn more, study, read for pleasure or satisfy your own curiosity!

A really helpful book full of hints for young people with dyslexia. Presented in a dyslexia friendly font which you can download here: https://opendyslexic.org/
Many ideas to get you organized, hints to improve memory (including study strategies), offering solutions to every day problems and much more.
This is Tony Buzan’s iconic book about how to design mind maps. Even though this book is a version for kids, the principles to build mind maps are the same and this book can be used by anybody at any age. Mind maps are not only for revision or for studying a school. 🙂
A really colourful book which came in hand when we developed the page on mind mapping for this website.

This book is aimed at students who are going into higher education colleges or university. The chapters deal with supporting this important transition by offering support on topics such as critical thinking, understanding/writing assignments, referencing, oral presentations, exam and finally with writing your dissertation.
Like the previous book, this handbook is for students in higher education. It goes into more detail on the student experience and has chapters on academic and people skills, task management skills and a really detailed glossary of terms which are useful to know at higher education.
This is a big book at over 400 pages however it has a clear layout and it is very easy to find the information you need when you need it.

This is another big book at over 350 pages and aims at higher education students. The content includes chapters on understanding how you learn, using a computer to study, making notes, working with numbers and charts, what makes a good essay and much more.
The first chapter called “Investing in Yourself” is a must read and sets the pace for the rest of the book. It puts you, as a student and a real VIP 🙂 in centre stage. This chapter stresses the importance of self-care during your time as a student. We too have dedicated a whole section of this web-site on self-care. Yes!! It is that important. 🙂
This book explains one of the key concepts behind our Erasmus+ project ….. learning to learn, thinking about thinking and how we may get to know the best way of learning….. individually and in groups.
A really youth-friendly book to guide you discover what type of learner you are and how you learn best. Once you have this knowledge then you can study better and more efficiently. Worth a read, full of fun images too!

This very compact book dedicates a chapter a day for a whole week throughout which you will be guided in steps to develop emotional intelligence ……. a day at a time. 🙂 Worth a browse through! This book ties very well with our Year in Pixels project which emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and noting your feelings everyday. We believe that asking for support when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed is a sign of strength! You may ask for support through various channels, we have listed some on our Year in Pixels leaflets (use link above).
Here below are some more books that we would like to recommend if you like reading about how we learn and for information on tools and strategies for learning during youth activities and at school.
We hope you find the information on books we liked useful. We are sure there are many more!
Please contact us to include more books that you may know about and that you found helpful so we can add them right here on this page. 🙂