Le Mappe di Lidia, Giada e Davide

To start off this page we are presenting a video by the young people from Dis…correre on the design of mind maps on line! Very clever demonstration using information about the rock group Maneskin! Enjoy this short tutorial by Davide, Lidia & Daniele!
Mind maps by Emma Manicaro & Clarice Bartolo
Mind maps are useful!
Benefits of using mind maps
Designing and using mind maps is a way to record, organize and present information about any topic. But why are they so popular? And how can you benefit from them?
Here below is a presentation by Emma Manicaro to help you understand how to use mind maps and how you can build a mind map to support your studies. You can use a free app to create mind maps on your laptop. Have a look at Emma’s presentation and see how. Scroll down further and have a look at Clarice’s work. Enjoy!
And more good practices for studying using mind maps by Clarice Bartolo
Here are some science-backed reasons why mind-mapping works.
1. Mind maps help you to remember and recall information.
2. Mind maps help you learn new concepts.
3. Mind maps are a fun way of learning.
Mind maps are also fun to make! Here are the pictures of the 4 mind maps we produced during our Erasmus+ Youth Initiative: Exchange of Good Practices with Dis…correre youth group of Molfetta, Italy in July 2022. We made them using scrap pieces of cardboard and pipe cleaners.

4. Mapping makes difficult ideas easier to understand.
5. Mind maps are flexible and help you to present your work.
6. Mind maps boost your creativity and increases productivity.
Here are some templates for mind maps to help you start and give you ideas about format and using colours!