Graphic organizers are useful way to show a thinking process. They help us to visualize even the most abstract thoughts and through their design they show information in the most concise way. How are you going to use a graphic organizer? Which one of them is your favorite? You can choose from any of the examples below and try them out for yourself. Make sure you use plenty of colours and doodles of your choice!
1) Why use a graphic organizer?
Practically because it simplifies information!
2) What does a story graphic organizer mean?
A timeline graphic organizer shows a sequence of events or a storyline.
3)What is meant by a graphic organizer for writing?
Graphic organizers can be used to help you plan out concepts, story lines, character descriptions and scenarios before starting to write.
Here are some templates for you consider. Use different graphic organizers for different subjects!
SCROLL DOWN to see some examples of filled graphic organizers so you can see better the use of templates and colours. You can combine any of the below or use specific ones for different subjects or topics. Share and exchange resources with your friends so you all benefit.
There are some resources you may download at the end of this page 🙂 🙂

Here below is an example from Lois MacCullagh of how the above can be put into practice! Lois has a website full of good ideas and information based on her research, visit it here.

Find more graphic organizers templates here