Welcome to our website!
Merħba! 🙂 Uannaaaa! 🙂
We are 2 informal groups of young people from Malta and Italy: Dyslexic Teens Dialogue and Dis…Correre respectively. We are based in 2 seaside towns in St. Julian’s in Malta and Molfetta in Puglia, Italy. We are working together as Erasmus+ project partners and have been meeting in person and online since February 2020 to get to know each other, team build and work on this youth project.
We are all LEARNERS! We learn in DIFFERENT WAYS and that is GREAT! We have been exploring many tools for learning in Malta and Italy during our youth meetings in both countries throughout the 36 months of this project lifetime. We are exchanging our good practices with each other as part of our Erasmus+ Youth Initiative project during the 7 transnational meetings and our meetings as part of this project. At project end we will present our work to stakeholders in both countries so this will reach more young people in our own countries and all over Europe.
In this website, we are showcasing tools and methods of learning from the worlds of non formal and informal education (these are learning activities from the world of youth work) and formal education (these are learning activities used in schools). We feel that through our Erasmus+ project we are bridging and uniting both worlds right here right now in our website!
We are including so much more interesting information which we hope you will find useful. We hope you will enjoy exploring our colourful website which we created for YOU as a LEARNER! We encourage you to try out some of the tools and methods of learning from this site. We included many resources which we developed all along. We hope our work will be helpful to you as a LEARNER both outside and inside school AND FOR LIFELONG LEARNING!
We are grateful for the kind support of Mr. Jeremy Scalpello of Jett Labs Malta. We also thank Ms. Olga Sultana who helped us with the design of the site and carried out many training sessions for our members to learn how to manage it. 🙂

We are collaborating with St. Joseph School, Sliema to disseminate the study methods and good practices of this project.
The website was included in the school diary for 2021/2022 so students could make use of it and improve the way they learn and study through our own work with our project partners from Italy.

The website was also launched at school by Christa, Lea, Keira and Maegan during an online school assembly held on 15th October 2021. We also created awareness about dyslexia at school during this launch since October is Dyslexia Awareness month.
You can view our presentation with animations right here !!! The presentation was the work of Maegan.