Did you ever connect having pets to self-care? Here are some of the ways how having a pet in your life makes all the difference to your self-care routine.

Read on and scroll down to photos of pets who belong to the families and friends of our Erasmus+ participants in Malta and Italy. We have also included some photos of our furry friends who unfortunately flew over the Rainbow Bridge and others who live outside. We feel they are everyone’s pets. 🙂

Pets are mood-boosters: It doesn’t matter what type of pet you have, pets are huge mood-boosters and help improve our over-all well being. Pets provide companionship and comfort, both of which can be helpful in cases of depression or relaxing after a stressful day. Next time your need a mood booster, connect with your pet and feel the tension melt away!

Pets make us more open and comfortable with other humans: Pets make a great conversaion starter! Share a funny story about your pet and get the conversation flowing. You may end up making a friend for life.

Pets make you less stressed: Owning a pet is great for lowering your stress and lowering their owners’ risk of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and stroke.

Pets keep you active: Physical activity is a key component of self-care as exercise releases endomorphins and these chemical makes you feel happy! Simple activity such as daily walks, puts fresh air into our bodies and boosts blood circulation. A good enough excuse to get active with your pets.

Pets help you sleep better: Getting plenty of sleep each night is an important part of your self-care routine and owning a pet such as a cat or a dog can help improve the quality of your sleep. Cuddling and snuggling in the bed with a pet is recommended here!

Pets make work more enjoyable: Studies show that pets help relieve stress as they reduce levels of stress hormone cortisol. Keep a pet nearby and have a look at this website by clicking on this link.

Pets give you energy and positive vibes: Take a wellness break from your computer, television and smart phone and spend some time playing or cuddling with your pet.

Cats can heal your muscles by purring: Listening to a cat purr can be soothing and relaxing for the soul, but it can also be soothing for your body. A cat’s purrs have the ability to help heal human bones and muscle. Yes that is true! A cat’s purr creates vibrations that can positively impact joint mobility after an injury.

The Pet Cabin at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta
Read about this initiative right here. Unfortunately,the Pet Cabin in presently closed due to Covid-19 mitigation measures.
The Rainbow Bridge – the final resting place for pets.

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge by Lo Stregatto, Molfetta, Italy
A short distance away from the Gates of the Reign of the Dead, there is a place called the “Rainbow Bridge”. This is a place where dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals who brought us so much joy and happiness now live in harmony.
The Rainbow Bridge is a marvellous place. There is fresh and scented grass, trees to scratch, infinite amounts of wood to chew, and so many many tennis balls! Here our 4-legged friends always find their favourite food (nobody checks out much they eat as they won’t put on weight), lots of streams and muddy pools to jump in, but also comfortable and soft corners for nap-time. They all live happily together even if at the time of their passing away they were sick, rundown, old and suffering….now they are back to feeling great just like they were when they were born.
In this place, our furry friends enjoy a good stay!
Adapted from a Facebook post by Lo Stregatto, Molfetta on the passing away of Rufus, the stray dog who lived next to the railway station of Molfetta. He was loved and cared for by volunteers. He was everyone’s pet dog. Fly high, buon ponte Rufus! 26.05.2020.
Follow Lo Stregatto on Facebook

Beautiful pets who flew over the Rainbow Bridge

Everyone’s Pets – The strays who live outdoors.