The aim of the Erasmus+ youth iniative project is to “train the trainer”… for our youth project participants to be trained about study methods themselves, and subsequently to teach these good practices in learning to educators and students from Malta and Italy. To prepare to deliver workshops, a public speaking course was also organized to ensure that our outreach is of the highest quality. The outcome of the project therefore is to train educators, youth workers and young people in metacognitive skills, study tools and methods together with critical thinking tools. 🙂
We have compiled this website with the details and resources used for the exchange of good practices between us. Now you can explore our Learning, Teaching and Training Resources on the following links to learn more about our work and how you can an conduct your own training sessions for study methods and tools using the rescources we developed ourselves. Use as they are … or adapt them to your audience!
We developed all these resources through our Erasmus+ Youth Initiative: Exchange of Good Practices project with Dis…correre youth group of Italy and were honoured to host 2 educators during transnational meeting C1 in Malta.

We hope you find them useful!
Our Training Resources
We developed the below training resources in both languages for use during a workshop. Explore them by following the links below!
Training Resources in English on this link
Training Resources in Italian on this link

What is learning to learn competence?
First we suggest introducing the concept of learning to learn. This powerpoint presentation is helpful to use.
Our training sessions in Malta and Italy
We have delivered our training sessions for educators already. Here below are some photos taken from our session at San Anton School in l-Imselliet in Malta on 22 September 2022.

We conducted training sessions also in Italy, in 2 comprehensive schools in Molfetta and Giovinazzo.
Here are the photos from our training session at the Istituto Comprensivo “Manzoni-Poli”, Molfetta.

Photos from our session at Istituto comprensivo “Marconi-Bavaro”, Giovinazzo. Our training session was also featured on the school website. Read more about it on this link or below.

About us!
Sample of Good Practices on PPT by Emma Manicaro
Here is a power point presentation designed by Maltese team member Emma Manicaro which displays a number of good practices exchanged between the Erasmus+ partners.
We hope you enjoy viewing this colourful ppt! 🙂