by Prof Edward de Bono

S-T-R-E-T-C-H your thinking even further than you did with P-M-I with the 6 Thinking Hats Model.
We have explored this tool during our online meetings and are happy to share our resouces for you to try out in school and in a youth group during Circle Time.
Here are what we came up with ……. SCROLL DOWN!!! First ….. a dyslexia-friendly powerpoint presentation by Keira Chetcuti and scroll down for another version of this presentation by Emma Manicaro.
Explore more by using the worksheet at the end of this page. 🙂

The 6 Thinking Hats in practice in Malta and Italy during our Erasmus+ Transnational Youth Initiative project
We really enjoyed using the 6 Thinking Hats perspectives to evaluate the week in Malta in July 2022 and the week in Italy in August 2022. In Malta we split ourselves into 6 teams, one team for each of the 6 thinking hats. Michael and Marco coordinated this workshop. The members thus brainstormed in teams using just one perspective from one hat! However in Italy we used a different approach and each participant gave feedback using each hat. In this way each member could explore each one of the six hats! Michael and Katrina facilitated this activity and produced 6 mindmaps for each hat with the feedback gathered from all the participants individually.
We collected feedback in teams using this method of evaluation. Here are some photos from the sessions in Malta and Italy.
Workshop in Malta, July 2022.

Workshop in Italy, August 2022.

These are our Erasmus+ project evaluations which we compiled as a group during the final day in Italy in August 2022. We put into practice one of our good practices yet again! 🙂